Friday, July 28, 2017


One week whatsapp master Love therapy class for 20 people
1. How to date rightly 
2. How to identify the right partner
3. How to build your relationship
4.How to get the ring
5.Becoming an entrepreneur
6.Becoming a leader
7.How to control your emotions
1. Single youths
2. Jilted singles
3. Unemployed married
4. Married
#1500( for early birds)
Date: 14th -21st of July
payment closes 13th of July.
Jacob Micheal; Founder RelationshipPendulum
Tosin Brown; OAP Sweet Fm
and other


by Lara Kudayisi-Emeralds,

Nobody is perfect but there are people who can actually fit better than some other people.
That relationship where it feels like you have known each other for years even when you haven't really known for too long, that relationship where you have lesser stress and you seem to click better, that's the kind of Match that I am talking about.
So, how do you know your Perfect Match
1) Emotional Connection: Lots of people say Love or Feelings isn't enough to keep a marriage but it's a very good foundation to build on. When you have strong emotional connection with someone, a connection that spans beyond the surface. I am not talking about how beautiful the girl is or how he speaks softly or fluently. I am talking about depth, a soul connection that runs deep in your heart. This is a very necessary need before you choose because when the chips are down, this keeps you going and gives you the strength to fight.


by Akinwumi Akinola
By way of introduction, I consult in business process re-engineering and train on soft skills, with core emphasis on leadership and emotional intelligence. Am with ThinkMore Solution
So let's talk about emotional intelligence and wisdom
First, let's start from here. I deliberately said "someone annoyed you" because that's what most people say....
And it's a tactical way to shift trade blame of your emotional outcomes on other people... So the first principle you should learn is 1) To own responsibility for your emotions....Nobody annoys got angry because anger is in you Someone or an event just triggered it. Without accepting responsibility for your emotions, you will keep blaming others and never be ready to change.So here...*your idea* is the key words That suggests to us that she had her own idea contrary to yours too....So it's normal for two different people to see the world's diversity and perspectives 

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.
With the death of Chester Bennington to suicide after battle with depression, it is important we pay attention to it
*I wrote an article today about how a particular song changed my life*
Over the course of your life, if you experience mental health problems, your thinking, mood, and behavior could be affected


 by Anita Okanigbe-John delivered on RelationshipPendulum Whatsapp Invasion
Good evening friends, it's so great to be here with you. Thank you Michael for the invitation. Hope everyone is as excited as I am tonight?
My name is Anita Okanigbe-John and as you know, my topic tonight is about managing depression and trauma. This is a matter that is very dear to me because my life was almost ruined because of these two.
I always like to start by defining the topic of my discussion so that we are all on the same page. I will also share a bit of my story with regards to depression and trauma.
Before we start, I would like you to please close all forms of distraction and ensure you pay full attention.