Sunday, May 1, 2016


We cannot be too sure of the age gaps among children in the Bible days, but let's take Moses and Aaron as the standard. Exodus 7:7 records that Aaron was three years older than Moses. So, for the sake of this discussion, let's assume that there was always three years interval between siblings in the Bible days. Now let's go back to Jesus' discussion with the Sadducees.

Let's assume that the first husband was ten years older than his wife. Now he has six younger brothers. He died childless and tradition says the younger brother marry his wife - levirate marriage. Now, by the assumption above, the younger brother would be at least three years younger, and the same goes on and on like that. If the woman could not have a child through the first of the six surviving brothers, she goes to the next, until she has a child through any of the six brothers.

Let's assume that she bore no child for the first four out of the six, and there were three years interval each among the brothers, then she would go to the fifth. Now, how old will the fifth brother be? That means the woman will be five years older than the fifth brother. Do you understand? I suggest you go through the thought above again. Subtract three from ten in five places; the answer you get is minus five. This means the woman would be five years older than the fifth brother.

My Reservations: I really want to express my reservations for this kind of marriage. I have read several blog posts on the internet about women marrying younger men. They all claimed to be deeply in love with one another, but I think there is still need for thoughtful considerations in this matter. In some of the posts I read earlier, I read of some women who married men who are 10 years, 15 years, and even 20 years younger than them. I think such age gaps are outrageous, crazy, ridiculous and weird. I perceive that in most cases, what could lead to such marriage includes: lewdness, lust, infatuation, frustration, wrong self- judgment, selfishness and greed. Pretense is not far from such union.

From my observations, I deduced that most of the men who agreed to go into this kind of marriage are up to something. Perhaps the woman has what he is desperately in need of. In most cases the woman carries the greatest burden and pays the highest price in order to ensure the marriage works. She is always afraid of losing her younger husband to younger ladies in the future. The early days of their marriage may look rosy and fantastic, but as year passes by, fear sets in. The younger man begins to see the falling physique of his older wife and as a result, the older spouse may no longer look appealing to him. As she's growing older, you begin to see wrinkles all over her face, her boobs becoming saggy and a lot of physiological changes begin to occur in her. Can you imagine how a woman who is 15 years older than her husband will be in 15 years' time? A study had shown that women who are seven to nine years older than their husbands have a 20% higher mortality risk than if they were the same age.

Come on! Let's be realistic; such age gaps (10, 15, 20 years older) are crazy and ridiculous. They may both enjoy the euphoria of love in the early days of their marriage, but as year passes by, these realities will be done on them. Remember the old saying: "If love is a dream, marriage is the alarm clock."

However, I understand that love transcends all these inadequacies, but love does not deny reality. The marriage can still work in spite of the vast age differences, but much effort is needed. The bottom line is that the duo should carefully count the cost and not be carried away by the fantastic illusion that surrounds love. I am not trying to dethrone love; love is a key and indispensable factor that determines the success of any marriage. However, there is need for the couple to consider their choices again.

Therefore, this is my submission: there is nothing actually wrong with women marrying younger men, if they both feel good about it. What matters is love and understanding. If you are in it already and you feel okay with it, go ahead and enjoy the cruise. If you are just coming into it, consider your choice critically and allow God to guide you. If you are deeply and sincerely in love with each other, but the female counterpart is older and you are confused if the Bible supports such a practice, I think I have been able to help in that. The Bible does not give us any instruction regarding age difference, and I do not think such is against the scriptures. It is all your choice; but your choice needs to be given a critical consideration.


1. Do not do it out of frustration or desperation: many of the women who goes into such relationship do so simply because of frustration and desperation. Perhaps they think they are already getting older and they may be left unmarried. As a result, they accept any man who comes their ways and who seems to be meeting their emotional needs. Another reason why older ladies may agree to marry younger men can be due to their past ugly experiences. Perhaps they've once loved and trusted a particular man and he jilted them. As a result, when younger men come their ways and they feel they (the younger men) are responsible and they can fill the vacuum their 'exes' left, they might give the younger men the chance to come into their lives to merely play the substitutionary roles. If you marry because of frustration or desperation, you may end up marrying a mere 'service provider' and not a loving husband. A 'service provider' is there only to meet your emotional and sexual needs. Having rendered the service for which you allow him into your life, what happens next? Think about that.
Marrying out of frustration or desperation is unhealthy and it can be hazardous.

2. Do not go into dating for sexual reason only: some older ladies are of the opinion that younger men will be more sexually active and romantic than older men. This may not be true in all cases anyway. Having sexual satisfaction has more to do with enlightenment and experience. It is possible for the younger man to have more strength and energy than the older one, but if he lacks the skills involved in giving sexual satisfaction, he may just expend his energy and still not satisfy her woman.
That is by the way. There is more to love and marriage than sex. Now I want you to know that this article is not written for those who women who hang around younger men just for the fun of it or merely to use the younger men as their sex machine. I am addressing those who are seeking to enter into lifelong marital relationships.
Therefore, my advice to you older ladies who are in love with younger guys is that you dare not enter into a lifelong commitment with him mainly for sexual reasons - not because you need someone to gratify your sexual desire.

3. Carefully weigh the Pros and the Cons: no doubt, every marriage has its own challenges and monsters to conquer. However, there is need to critically and honestly consider the 'Pros' and the 'Cons' before going into such marriage. This kind of marriage has its own share of problems and its peculiarity will inevitably open it up to several challenges. According to a recent research, women who marry men seven to nine years their juniors have a 20 per cent higher mortality risk than women who marry men their own age. Marrying a younger man may keep your feeling young, but he might be hard to relate to on the other hand. Because of the age disparity, both of you may not have many life experiences in common and this may prove difficult to find common ground to stand on. I am of the opinion that there are certain things books will not teach you; it takes age and experiences to know them. Therefore older ladies or women may have difficulties in relating with their younger men at some points. Enlisting the Pros and the Cons of this kind of union is not the main focus of this article. Therefore, I enjoin those involved in it to weigh the beautiful and the ugly side of the union before diving into it. How long will the love last once buttocks sag and double chins set in? This involves not only the older woman now, but both the younger man and the older woman.

4. Never compare him with your Ex: it is certain that older ladies must have been in some relationships in the past, and with each relationship comes different emotional, social or sexual experiences. Perhaps the younger manseem not to measure up with your ex or exes in some areas; it is unhealthy to compare him with them. You must be willing to accept him as he is and patiently walk with him until he could meet some of your expectations - don't expect him to meet all your expectations. That may not be realistic.

5. Do not treat him as your younger brother; treat him as your husband: avoid the temptation of wanting to treat your younger man like a younger brother. He is not a younger brother as long as marriage is concern. Though the age gap may be vast, but when it comes to marriage, the man assumes the responsibility of the head.

Regardless of the age difference between both of you, he deserves respect and adoration from you. You must be submissive to him as a matter of necessity, so that both of you can have a joyous and enduring marital experiences. Finally, before you dive into this marriage, you must remember that there are prices to pay, challenges to face, things to endure, and as you know, the Bible does not support divorce under any circumstances except for marital unfaithfulness. Therefore, critically count the cost, be sure your man is ready and willing to stay with you and remain faithful to your marital vows even when double chins sets in, your breasts become saggy and your buttocks also sags. Do not shy away from this reality, because dating a younger man can make you feel like you are in a vocation from reality. Always remember the old saying: "if love is a dream, marriage is the alarm clock."

Perhaps your marriage is falling apart and you have tried all you could to keep things together, but you keep seeing your efforts becoming futile, I will like to introduce you to the greatest and matchless mender. His name is JESUS. He can heal the brokenhearted, restore love and peace to your home, deliver your spouse from drugs and porno- addiction, show the way to make things work for you, and ultimately, He wants to save your soul from hell.

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Say this prayer with me: Lord Jesus, I thank you for your love for me and for shedding your blood to save me. Jesus, today, I confess you with my mouth that you are my Lord and Savior, and I believe that God raised you from the dead.
Jesus, save my soul, save my marriage, and make me yours forever. Thank you for saving me. Amen! If you have said this prayers, congratulations! Locate a Bible believing church you can attend, and make your Bible your daily companion. Shalom!
Ebenezer Afolabi is the Pastor of Foursquare Gospel Church Hallelujah Quarters in Ibafo, Ogun state, Nigeria. He is a sound teacher of God's word, a worship leader, songwriter, and a passionate defender of the Christian faith. His common slogan is, "God is still in the business of working miracles". This expression is based on his many experiences of the supernatural power of God in his life and ministry. He has authored four books which include God Can Be Funny, Defending What You Believe, Biblical Support for Marrying Younger Men and his latest book titled, Careless Wives, Unfaithful Husbands.

ebenezerafolabi54 @

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